Para ponerse delante de un morlaco hace falta una especie de valor que yo no encuentro en mis estanterías; correr delante de uno lanzado por calles estrechas y atestadas ya raya en la inconsciencia. Si encima, has dormido poco o vas hasta las cejas de vino, la cosa se vuelve peligrosa.
Y si no, vean lo de hoy.
English version for my friends of abroad:
I can't say it is Allah's protection of Patron Saint Fermin of Pamplona who takes care of the devoted; the only thing I can say is that Human stupidity may cause tragedies that, no matter why, become an almost harmless event.
I must admit that facing a bull involves a courage nor ranged in my personal shelves; and to run preceding them along crowded, narrow streets verges on irresponsability, especially if someone has not slept appropriately or has too much wine inside.
.. that becomes a real dangerous situation.
Just have a look at the today's run, and decide.
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